Past Exhibitions

Gronk: Ego Rising

Claudia V. Solórzano: Urban Alchemy

Lyn Foulkes

July 13 - August 24, 2024

Exhibition Information

Guy Dill: Nomad

Jenny Okun: BILBAO - LAS VEGAS - L.A. | Frank O. Gehry Architecture

Peter Olson: Marked for Life

Llyn Foulkes

May 25 - July 6, 2024

Exhibition Information

Seguimos: Contemporary Art in Costa Rica

Curated by Hannah Sloan

March 30 - May 18, 2024

Exhibition Information

Chrissy Angliker : See Through

Lou Beach: Bewilderness

Kelly Berg: A Crack in Everything

February 10 - March 23, 2024

Exhibition Information | Chrissy Angliker | Lou Beach| Kelly Berg

Taylor Kibby : With as much sweetness as I can decently manage

Diane Silver: Horizontal Shift

Dominic Terlizzi: Beachcomber


December 16 - February 3, 2024

Exhibition Information | Taylor Kibby | Diane Silver | Dominic Terlizzi


co-curated by Craig Krull Gallery & Sloan Projects

December 8, 9 & 10, 2023

Exhibition Information


October 21 - December 2, 2023

Exhibition Information | Phranc

Blue McRight : Gather

Astrid Preston: For the Trees

September 2 - October 14, 2023

Exhibition Information | Blue McRight | Astrid Preston

L.A. - Oaxaca: Javier Carrillo, Demián Flores, Dan McCleary, Fernando Sandoval and Claudia V. Solórzano

July 15- August 26

Exhibition Information | Javier Carrillo | Demián Flores |Dan McCleary

Fernando Sandoval | Claudia V. Solórzano

Lavialle Campbell: Disruption

Robin Mitchell: Spellbound

May 20 - July 1, 2023

Exhibition Information | Lavialle Campbell | Robin Mitchell

Imperfect Geometry: Katrin Aason B., Brittany Mojo, Tanja Rector, Michon Weeks

Nancy Monk: walk + wood

D.J.Hall: Pandemic Pause-- Plein Air, Portraits, And Posies

April 1 - May 13, 2023

Exhibition Information | Nancy Monk | D.J. Hall | Tanja Rector | Brittany Mojo | Michon Weeks | Katrin Aason B.

Pamela Smith Hudson: Empty Space

Chris Miller: Push

Yamamoto Masao: New Works

February 11 - March 25, 2023

Exhibition Information | Pamela Smith Hudson | Chris Miller | Yamamoto Masao

Dora De Larios: Earthly Divine

Gilbert “Magu” Luján: Magulandia

Carlos Almaraz: ¡Fuego!

December 17- February 4, 2023

Exhibition Information | Dora De Larios | Gilbert “Magu” Luján | Carlos Almaraz

Michael Deyermond : The Trouble Cup Ned Evans : Water Bound

October 29 -December 10, 2022

Exhibition Information | Michael Deyermond | Ned Evans

Debbie McAfee's textile collage of a dessert landscape, made up of 12 fabric squares. Blue sky above varying shades of brown and yellow rocks.

Kelly Berg: Emergence
Ayin Es: This Land
Debbie McAfee: Desert Sanctum

September 10- October 22, 2022

Exhibition Information | Kelly Berg | Ayin Es | Debbie McAfee

Robert Ginder: Not Knowing
Kent Twitchell: Studies for Mural Projects

July 23 - September 3, 2022

Exhibition Information | Robert Ginder | Kent Twitchell

Sydney Croskery: Very Important Very Unimportant
Max Hertz: Fitting Forms

June 4 - July 16, 2022

Exhibition Information | Sydney Croskery | Max Hertz

James Griffith: Fellow Travelers

April 16 - May 28, 2022

Exhibition Information | James Griffith

Bruce Richards: Three Narratives
Keenan Derby: Zigzag Wanderer

February 26 - April 9, 2022

Exhibition Information | Bruce Richards | Keenan Derby

Hilary Brace: Drawings and Tapestries
Pamela Kendall Schiffer: Yellowstone, Beauty Absolute

January 8 - February 19, 2022

Exhibition Information | Hilary Brace | Pamela Kendall Schiffer

Javier Carrillo: Elotes Olmeca

Online starting February 15, 2022

Exhibition Information

Gronk's painting of a facial profile on the right side of the image. The face is filled with symbols and strokes of colors such as white, black, yellow and red. Where the mouth would be is a triangular object of blue and black. the background is red.

Woods Davy: They Are What They Do

Gronk: GronkOne

November 6 - December18, 2021

Exhibition Information | Gronk | Woods Davy

Close up of Brittany Mojo's ceramic checkered black and white pots. In the center of the image is a  pot with a red band and yellow, brown and white flowers.

Brittany Mojo: Nowness

September 18 - October 30, 2021

Exhibition Information | Brittany Mojo

Dan McCleary's still life of white flowers. They are centered in a vase filled with yellowish-brown water and on a white surface. The background is a blue-gray.

Dan McCleary: Still Lifes
Astrid Preston: Between Worlds

August 7 - September 11, 2021

Exhibition Information | Dan McCleary | Astrid Preston

Taylor Kibby's ceramic chain sculpture sits on top a platform of red bricks that is three bricks high. The floor is concrete and the background walls are white. The ceramic chains are varying shades of white and a thick chain drapes onto the ground

of rope and chain her bones are made
Lavialle Campbell, Sydney Croskery, Pamela Smith Hudson, Taylor Kibby, Christy Matson, Blue McRight, Brittany Mojo, Claudia Parducci, Diane Silver

May 1 - July 31, 2021

Exhibition Information

Square Gronk painting made up of red and white paint with black brush strokes and symbols. The right bottom corner has circles.

Brick and Mortar
Salon Group Exhibition of Gallery Artists

February 6 - April 24, 2021

Exhibition Information

Vince Montague: Loomings

Online starting March 26, 2021

Exhibition Information

Ned Evans: By The Seaside

Online starting February 13, 2021

Exhibition Information | Ned Evans

Milo Reice: The Caesar Paintings and Other Works
Gwynn Murrill: Serpientes
Marc Trujillo: Roman Plein Air

Decmber 05, 2023 - January 30, 2021

Exhibition Information | Milo Reice | Gwynn Murill | Marc Trujillo

Robin Mitchell: Emanations

Online starting January 21, 2021

Exhibition Information | Robin Mitchell

Ayin Es: All's Well in the High Desert

Online starting January 5, 2021

Exhibition Information | Ayin Es

Nicole Strasburg: Home on the Range

Online starting December 15, 2020

Exhibition Information | Nicole Strasburg

Caroline Larsen: Home for the Holidays

Online starting December 11, 2020

Exhibition Information | Caroline Larsen

Kelly Berg: Waiting for the Miracle

Online starting December 8, 2020

Exhibition Information | Kelly Berg

Ned Evans: FLUX MAZE
Ann Chamberlin: Wishful Thinking

October 17 - November 28, 2020

Exhibition Information | Ned Evans | Ann Chamberlin

Robert Ginder: Golden States

Online starting October 27, 2020

Exhibition Information | Robert Ginder

Mark Posey's painting shows four white stained glass windows. They are outlined in black and above them are smaller windows. The center of the windows are filled with advertisements and colorful writing.

Mark Posey: Window Seat
Julian Wasser: Black and White

September 5 - October 10, 2020

Exhibition Information | Mark Posey | Julian Wasser

Lou Beach: Are We OK?

Online starting September 30, 2020

Exhibition Information | Lou Beach

Ordinary Evidence: Three Photographs by Greg Colson

Online starting September 16, 2020

Exhibition Information | Greg Colson

James Griffith's oil and tar painting of a hare. The hare is brown with light hitting its ears and face. It looks to the right. The foreground is darker.  d

James Griffith: Elegy for Another Species

Online starting August 27, 2020

Exhibition Information | James Griffith

Plein Air and the Pandemic
Kelly Berg, Mike Vegas Dommermuth, D.J. Hall, Ann Lofquist, Pam Posey, Alex Schaefer, Nicole Strasburg, Mark Trujillo

Online starting July 30, 2020

Exhibition Information

Michael Deyermond, Leaky Palms

Michael Deyermond: Leaky Palms
Dan McCleary: Still Lifes
Javier Carrillo: Soy Lo Que Representa Mi Trabajo

March 7 - August 31, 2020

Exhibition Information | Michael Deyermond | Dan McCleary | Javier Carrillo

Art to Benefit the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

Online: March 26 - May 15, 2020

Exhibition Information

Joe Fay's orange painting of an eagle grabbing a  fish with it's tallons. The eagle is in the upper right corner and three fish are below it. The fish are colorful. Small white dots are distributed throughout the painting.

Joe Fay: Natural Order
Tanja Rector: Textile Paintings
Caroline Larsen: Mystic Flowers

January 25 - February 29, 2020

Exhibition Information | Joe Fay | Tanja Rector | Caroline Larsen

Astrid Preston's painting of a green trail. The trail is pixelated and burred. The right side of the painting has a white checkerboard pattern covering some of the painting. The trail is surrounded by a green forrest with some red and yellow trees

Astrid Preston: New Paintings
Ezra Stoller: Architectural Photography

December 7, 2019 - January 18, 2020

Exhibition Information | Astrid Preston | Ezra Stoller

James Griffith, tar

James Griffith: Terrestrial and Celestial
Stephen Aldrich: Transfigurations
Lavaughan Jenkins

October 19 - November 30, 2019

Exhibition Information | James Griffith | Stephen Aldrich | Lavaughan Jenkins

Greg Colson's sculptural wall piece is a black inner tube ring. It has white writing on it, including arrows pointing in a clockwise manner. Words such as "focus", "explore" are seen.

Greg Colson: Trending & Non-trending
J.A. Feng: Mothership
Laura Forman: New Work

September 9 - October 12, 2019

Exhibition Information | Greg Colson | J.A. Feng | Laura Forman